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Finding Immortal by E.L Wicker | Cover Reveal + Trailer

So happy to share with you my Bookworms Finding Immortal's Cover + a Trailer of the New book in The Bearwood Series.

Words aren't enough to tell you how much a LOVE E.L Wicker and when she contacted me to have the cover reveal and when I saw it was like she was teasing because I can't wait to read where she is going to take us now.

Here is the Trailer

I just can't wait to find out what will happen to Nathiel and Ilia's love story.

And Here comes the AMAZING COVER, OMG I'm drooling over this !!! I'm sure so will you!!

Can we ask E.L Wicker for DREAM CAST!! Because after this I need it!



About The Author

E.L. Wicker lives in Hampshire, England, with her husband and two daughters. Her debut book, Fractured Immortal, was released in December 2014, and in June 2015 was short listed for a Self published and Small press award. She is a regular contributor to YATopia, Whiskey, Wine, and Writing, as well as a co-host for the Whiskey, Wine, and Writing web show. E.L. Wicker is a New Adult junkie, with a stack of NA books a mile high on her TBR list and a stack that could possibly stretch to the moon in her already read list. You can find her on Twitter, Facebook, and her blog. She also regularly sets up new blogs and designs logos and banners for people at no cost.


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