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Review: The Allure of Julian Lefray (The Allure #1)by R.S. Grey

My Thoughts:

This is the perfect summer read to gush about with friends.


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From: To: Subject: Justin Timberlake Nudes! Lily, you predictable perv. I knew you’d open this email faster if I tempted you with a glimpse of JT's “PP”. Well, put your pants back on and grab some bubbly because I have much better news to share. I GOT A JOB! As of tomorrow, I’ll be the new executive assistant at Lorena Lefray Designs. I am SO excited, but there’s one itty bitty problem: I won’t be Lorena’s assistant. I’ll be working for her older brother, Julian. I know what you're thinking- "But Jo, what’s the problem?" Google him. Now. He’s the man in the fitted navy suit whose face reminds you that there’s hope yet for this cruel, ugly world. Keep scrolling…Do you see those dimples? Yup. That’s the Julian Lefray I will be reporting to tomorrow morning. Lord, help us all... XO, Jo

My Review:

FANTASTIC! This book was everything to me and definitely makes wanna love more the author. It was full of humor, nice banters and lovely flirting. I have no idea why this book has been on my sitting on my desk for that long? You already know that I fell in love with R.S. Grey books since the duet, then the design after it The allure of Dean Harper and last month Chasing Spring, and now The Allure of Julian Lefray. Damn I was picturing myself the whole time, Jo is an small town fashion blogger ( like me) and is trying to make it in the industry but blogging isn’t paying the bills yet so she needs a job ( me again).

I was flipping the pages so fast I didn’t even noticed when I was done with half of the book, it was hard to put it down. I was laughing the whole time and I LOVE Jo, the author really shows how hard is to make it when you are just another girl and no someone with one or a big important last name, the struggle let me tell you is HARD but worthy when you love it. Now im just waiting for my dimples to enter my scene. You just wanted to smile at all the moments they spent together and be there to do the “AW”. This book is just everything you need to LOVE reading.

Jo, then starts working for him and they get together so well, they easily become into really good friends but there is this spark that’s about to cause a fire, because one thing is for sure, the more time they spend together, the more the temperature escalates. But they need to be sure if they are both willing to sacrifice their friendship for taking it to next phase.

Overall, The Allure of Julian Lefray is what you need to have on your summer reading list. FUN, HILARIOUS, LIGHT-HEARTED, QUICK READ, AND VERY ROMANTIC.

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